2015 Joe Quigley Memorial Award Winner announced!!

On May 17, 1999, CFMA’s Executive Committee unanimously approved the creation of the Joe Quigley Memorial Award in memory of former national president and Valley of the Sun Chapter leader, Joe Quigley. As a remembrance of Joe Quigley, who was a founding member of the Valley of the Sun Chapter and served as its third president. Under his leadership, the Chapter developed its highly successful golf tournament to raise money for college scholarships. Joe’s commitment to local chapter activities, and CFMA in general, epitomizes the dedication and commitment of CFMA volunteers.
This Memorial Award recognizes outstanding chapter participation and activity. It is given each year to that CFMA General or Associate Member who exemplifies the following:
  • Enthusiasm in the promotion of CFMA at the local chapter level
  • Contribution at the local chapter level (including participation in CFMA functions and committees)
  • Activities that support CFMA’s Mission and Strategic Goals
  • Consideration for, and service to, fellow CFMA members and the local community
  • Significant years of contributions to CFMA
Note that Officers from CFMA or ICCIFP are ineligible for the award until three (3) years have elapsed from their terms of service. Also, previous winners of the Joe Quigley Memorial Award are ineligible to win the award again.

VoS CFMA is very proud to announce the 2015 Joe Quigley Memorial Award has been awarded to:

David James

Mr. David James serves as the Chief Financial Officer at FNF Construction, Inc. Mr. James has been at FNF for more than 6 years overseeing its Finance, Human Resources/Benefits, and the Information/Technology Departments. He has developed policies and procedures for FNF's team that have helped to shape FNF into the successful company. He is also responsible for FNF's financial planning and manages the financial risks of it. He has more than 30 years of financial experience with a concentration on the construction industry. He is active both the local and national Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) and is a trustee of the Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals (ICCIFP); as well as other associations including the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, The Arizona Society of CPA's, and Valley Leadership. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP). Mr. James obtained his B.S. in Accounting, Business Administration, Personnel Management, and Organizational Behavior from the University of Kansas.



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