2015 Debra Hahn Memorial Award Winner announced!!

The Debra Hahn Memorial Award was created by CFMA’s Executive Committee on July 14, 1991 as a remembrance of Debra Hahn, who died in a plane crash on March 18, 1991. Debra was one of the founders of CFMA’s Charlotte, NC Chapter, a former member of the Board of Directors, and treasurer of the Massachusetts Chapter at the time of her death.

This Memorial Award recognizes outstanding CFMA participation and activity on both the local Chapter and National levels. It is given each year to that CFMA General or Associate Member who exemplifies the following:
  • Enthusiasm in the promotion of CFMA
  • Contribution at the local chapter level (including participation in CFMA functions and committees)
  • Involvement at the National level (including participation in CFMA functions and committees)
  • Activities that support CFMA’s Mission and Strategic Goals
  • Consideration for, and service to, fellow CFMA members
  • Significant years of contributions to CFMA
Note that Officers from CFMA or ICCIFP are ineligible for the award until three (3) years have elapsed from their terms of service. Also, previous winners of the Debra Hahn Memorial Award are ineligible to win the award again.

VoS CFMA is very proud to announce the 2015 Joe Quigley Memorial Award has been awarded to:

Marj Weber

Marj Weber - CFO, Irontree Construction, Inc is responsible for all Accounting functions, including preparation of in-house financial statements, budgeting, and cash flow analysis. During her 32 years with Irontree, she has developed both the sounding financial footing, bonding capacity and human resource functions that underpin Irontree’s success. Ms. Weber active in the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) having served as Chapter President in 1999-2000. She earned her CCIFP designation (Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional) in 2004 and was the 2009-2010 National Chair of the Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals.



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