Working Minds Training Coming to Phoenix.

Working Minds Training!  "Train-the Trainer Certification Course"
February 5, 2019
Construction is the #1 industry in number of suicides and suicide rate - our suicide rate is 4 times that of the national average.  It is a health, safety and employee wellness imperative that employers are equipped to assist employees at risk of suicide.  
On February 5, Sally Spencer-Thomas, who was a speaker at our suicide prevention summit in 2016, is bringing her Working Minds training to Phoenix.  
This is a "Train-the-Trainer Certification Course", equipping participants to deliver the 2-hour Working Minds training in their workplace.  
It will discuss why and how to address suicide prevention in the workplace, warning signs, what to do if someone is suicidal, how to have safe and effective conversations about suicide and how to respond after a suicide crisis.  The training is appropriate for managers, supervisors, HR, safety professionals, wellness coordinators and leaders.  
For more information on the training visit: and to register visit
Registration is limited to the first 30 people and early bird registration pricing ends January 25th. 


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