2019 CEoY!

2019 Construction Executive of the Year Banquet:  Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available!
Nominations Now Being Accepted!
May 3, 2019
Happy 2019!  It's hard to believe that the Executive of the Year banquet is less than 4 months away!  The time is now to get involved in one of two ways:
  1. Send in your nominations for one of three Executives of the Year to be recognized on May 3, 2019 - we will honor the leader of a General Contractor, a Subcontractor and an Emerging Leader.  The Emerging Leader award will recognize an up-and-coming executive in Arizona's construction industry who is either at the lead of a young company emerging in the industry, or a next generation of leadership rising up the ranks of an established company.  Please use the form and return by January 31, 2019.
  2. Sign up to be a sponsor!  There are four levels of commitment offered and it is a great chance to get your company in front of many of the state's construction leaders.  Please send in the form today, don't miss the Early Bird discount!
If you have any questions, please email Jared Asay or Michelle Walker,  event co-chairs.  

Huge THANK YOU to our Title Sponsor!


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