Now is the time to sign up.........

Now is the time to sign up for the October 15 Overview session and prepare to earn the CCIFP designation.

As summer winds down; and thoughts turn to those cool evenings and warm sunny days (under 90 degrees) . . . . one must wonder;  “What am I to  do with myself this fall????”

Funny you should ask - - because CFMA has the ANSWER - - 

Yes, the CCIFP Overview course is just around the corner!!  Don’t let the date slip by . . .  October 15th  . . . a day of learning, of sharing experiences, of networking . . . a day to Define the Body of Knowledge we experience daily in our work lives – and that are the basis for the CCIFP exam!!!

Remember . . Scholarships are available !!

- Merely be VoS CFMA member in good standing and sit for the exam;  and the chapter reimburses the Overview fee (thus, it be free!!)

AND - - VoS CFMA is scheduled for a CCIFP exam - - 12/13/14 (you will not see THAT date sequence again – good karma; so this is YOUR year to take the exam!!) . . .  so save THAT date also!!

Remember . . Scholarships are available !!

- Merely be VoS CFMA member in good standing and pass the exam;  the chapter reimburses $350 of the exam fee.

So sign up NOW for the Overview . . .and  mark your calendar for the EXAM  . . . and become a CCIFP

For more information:



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