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July 10
3-4 p.m. EDT (12-1 p.m. PDT)
David A. Levine
Each state has its own mechanics lien law and requirements for preserving and prosecuting mechanics lien claims. While CFMA can’t host a webinar for all 50 states, David A. Levine will provide general information regarding lien claims and issue-spotting the particulars of filing and prosecuting lien claims, i.e., timing, deadlines, etc.
Learn the impact or consequence of a lien, and what it can achieve, or on the other hand, what harm it can do, and how to deal with one if its filed (i.e., as an owner, a prime, or a sub)
Register now for this webinar taking place on July 10 from 3-4 p.m. EDT. 
This course can help you maintain your CCIFP certification, as you can earn 1 CPE credit in the field of Specialized Knowledge and you will walk away better able to identify:
  •  Which state’s lien law will apply
  • Whether the state requires a “notice of commencement” or “notice of furnishing” at the time that work begins
  • The time limits/deadlines for giving any such notices, or other notices of intent to assert a lien
  • The deadline within which the actual lien must be filed, and where, and who to serve it on
  • Rights and obligations as prime contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, or other status that may impact your rights and obligations
  • When to file a complaint to enforce the lien
  • And the right to release or bond off a lien
Register Now
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