A note from the incoming President
Karl Kortman, CCIFP!
2019/2020 Season
I am truly looking forward to serving as the President of the CFMA Valley of the Sun Chapter this year. I am motivated and encouraged by our chapter and its commitment to learning and changing with our industry, providing educational opportunities for its members, providing scholarships and resources for our future leaders, and giving back to our community. 
Throughout my time as a member and as an officer, I have witnessed our members dedicating themselves to serve on committees, past leaders staying committed within the chapter and on the national level, and young leaders setting vision for our future while being engaged in the moment. Through all of these commitments and engagements, collaborations have brought about productive outcomes, and genuine and caring relationships have developed. 
As your President for this year, I thank our committed members for making this responsibility one for which I am excited. For our past presidents, thank you for the leadership and continued support. My experiences over the last few years have brought new perceptions to the role of leader and I look forward to coming alongside you to serve in this capacity.  


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