Join Us!   March Joint Luncheon Program with ABA/AGC
March 21, 2019
"Catellus Development Corporation"
Brian Kearney
Catellus Development Corporation
The Novus Innovation Corridor is a 350-acre, mixed-use development planned for approximately 10 million square feet along Tempe Town Lake, including State Farm's 2.1-million-square-foot Marina Heights regional office. Strategically integrated with Arizona State University (ASU), wholly on university-owned land, Novus is managed by master developer Catellus, a national leader in the development of urban mixed-use communities.  Novus is a unique opportunity to develop the 21stcentury urban community on an infill canvas in the center of one of the nation's largest and fastest growing metropolitan areas. The development will include a variety of urban neighborhoods that feature office, retail, hospitality and residential activities, creating the potential to bring more than 30,000 new jobs and 5,000 new residents to the thriving Tempe community.

Regular meal:  Slow Roasted Pork Loin with Cherry Citrus Sauce
Vegetarian:  Pesto Grilled Farm Vegetables and Herb Faro
Prepaids, simply email noting your attendance and meal preference.


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