Are you ready to Reach Out Branch Out Top Out at CFMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition in Miami?
    • 4 general sessions and 42 breakout sessions—earn up to 34.5 CPE credits
    • SOLD OUT Exhibition Hall--access to top-notch companies ready to show you solutions to your industry challenges
REACH OUT to friends old and new with multiple networking events, such as our mixers for volunteers and first-time Conference attendees, Chairman's Luncheon, evening receptions, and famous Closing Night party!
BRANCH OUT and fill your agenda beyond the tried and true with our first ever "gamification" session, The CFM Challenge! Or link up at our Golf Tournament at The Miami Beach Golf Club and be sure to check out the Construction Technology Forum and take advantage of valuable face time with your current construction software provider.
TOP OUT your Conference experience by fulfilling your personal and professional goals! Have some Fun in the Sun with our 5K Walk Run. Jointly sponsored by CFMA and the Conference host CFMA Chapter (Miami-Dade!), our annual charity event benefits Construction Angels for 2018! And our NEW Ignite Sessions on Tuesday morning (June 26) and Benchmarker 101 and Ask the Experts sessions (throughout the Conference) are sure to spark conversations and insights!
New Call-to-action
Register early and save more!
Through February 26
February 27-March 26
March 27-May 14
After May 14
Want more details? Visit the NEW Conference site at for the latest information on hotel reservations, Conference sessions and events, sponsorship opportunities, and exhibitor listings!
Questions? We can help!
Jenny Spriggs (609-945-2409)
Liz Van Dzura (609-945-2430)
SPONSORS JAN 19 2018.png
  Be sure to use #CFMACONF in all your posts and tweets!


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