Final Thoughts.....

Well my friends, it happened. My year as the President of the VoS Chapter of CFMA has come to end. My heart knew this was coming, but my head said I would be able to ignore it just a little bit longer. As of today, I can’t ignore it any more. I am sure all of you are aware of how extremely proud of this Chapter I am – we are strong, vital, active, aware, involved, and we make a difference. As of today we are 325 strong and we are a force to reckoned with!

All I have to do is stand back and I can see proof of our hard work everywhere!

I see it in the Scholarships funds we have set up at NAU, UofA and ASU

I see it in the Fall and Spring semester scholarships we award every year
I see it in the Feed My Starving Children event 

I see it in the Habitat for Humanity event

I see it in the UMOM walk
I see it in the baseball games, basketball games, and kickball tournaments
I see in the CEoY
I see it in the Golf Tournament
I see it in the Southwest Regional Conference

I see it in the National Conference

I see it in the Suicide Prevention Summits

I see it in the attendance at our monthly luncheons

I see it in the extraordinary level of commitment and dedication all of you have in our Chapter. We all strive for the betterment of ourselves, our companies, our community, our Chapter. We are strong, capable, and as I like to say, we are darn cute!!

There is no way I can thank you enough for everything all of you have done this year. The new members that are now active members of our Chapter; the members that show up to all of our community events, lunches, and seminars; the members that put together and/or present at the programs, seminars, conferences; the members that have taken the time to take leadership roles within our Chapter; the Committee Members, the Chairs and Co-Chairs, the Board of Directors, and the Officers – all of you are more appreciated and loved than you know.

Thank you to all of you for a year I will never forget. I will forever carry the memories of this year in my heart. I am so proud of VoS CFMA and I have each and every one of you to thank for that. As I ride off into the sunset (and the song “Happy Trails” plays quietly in the background) I would like to leave you with one thought (as I say Hello!):



  1. You have done an outstanding job, lead by example and brought a great enthusiasm to the role! Your efforts will be missed and your shoes will be tremendously hard to fill! Thanks Lynne!


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