Congratulations to Construction Subcommittee of the Workplace Task Force; National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Workplace Task Force Construction Subcommittee was presented with the Gary E. Bird Horizon Award at the International Risk Management Institute (IRMI) Construction Risk Conference for its suicide prevention efforts in the construction industry. The subcommittee is made up of construction industry experts who volunteer their time and resources to promote awareness, develop resources, deliver presentations, and write publications with the sole purpose of suicide prevention.
The Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), which formed the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (the Alliance) Task Force in 2016, applauds the outstanding efforts of the following CFMA/CFMA Alliance Task Force members serving on the Workplace Task Force Construction Subcommittee: Calvin Beyer (WA); David James (AZ); Patricia Kagerer (TX); Joseph Patti (NY); Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas (CO); and Michelle Walker (AZ).

Accepting the award on behalf of the subcommittee, Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, CEO and Co-Founder of the Carson J. Spencer Foundation, mental health advocate, and survivor of her brother’s suicide, offered this challenge, “Step into the space of making suicide prevention a health and safety priority. Make construction the first industry to embrace zero suicide as an aspirational goal.”
Aligned with the Workplace Task Force Construction Subcommittee’s purpose, CFMA’s Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention was established to provide and disseminate information and resources for suicide prevention and mental health promotion in construction through creating a culture of caring, shattering the silence/stigma, and starting conversations in the workplace.

Fifteen key industry organizations have pledged support by joining the Alliance, with more to follow. CFMA President & CEO Stuart Binstock added,“We applaud the passion of our members and organizations like IRMI for recognizing the significance of the Alliance’s mission, and appreciate their efforts to shape the construction industry through promoting the safety and well-being of construction’s most important asset – its human capital.”


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