ASU’s Sun Devin Stadium Remodel Project Tour

Sun Devil stadium has been the home of the ASU football team since it was built in 1958. The original seating capacity was 30,000 which was increased to 57,000 in 1975 and 70, 000 in 1976. The stadium served as the home for the Arizona Cardinals from 1987 until 2006. The renovation plans call for the seating capacity to be reduced, improvements in the seats, and additional administrative and training facilities on the south side of the stadium. Phases II and III of the project began right after the ASU - UofA football game on November 2.

The December 10, 2015 VoS CFMA monthly luncheon was replaced by a tour of the stadium.

Thanks to Kevin and Sundt for inviting CFMA VoS on a personal tour of this remodel project.

At this event, VoS collected monetary donations for St. Mary’s Food Bank in the amount of $765 - way to go VoS CFMA!
Thanks to Sundt Construction for arranging such great weather!


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