Happy National Potato Chip Day!

When : Always March 14th

National Potato Chip Day celebrates the ever popular potato chip. Potato Chips are America's #1 snack food. But, its not just a snack food. Its the potato of choice for many lunchtime and dinner meals. Regular (or plain) potato chips are by far the most popular. Other popular flavors are barbecue, sour cream & onion, oil & vinegar, and ranch.

Did you Know? Potato chips were first made by Chef George Crum in Saratoga Springs, NY on August 24, 1853. Americans have been in love with them ever since.

Make your own potato chips! Its easy to do. The kids will love it, and so will you. Find out how.

Celebrating National Potato Chip Day is easy.... eat potato chips during meals and snacks.


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