Ten Lesser Known Google Features and Search Tricks

Most people don’t have time to keep up with everything Google has to offer, which is why it’s great when websites and blogs do the work and share their findings with the world. The daily blog at Lifehacker.com looks behind the scenes at common and not-so-common software apps and offers insight and tips for techies and non-techies. A recent Lifehacker post explains 10 lesser known Google features and search tricks that anyone can use.

Among the 10 hints are these nuggets:

·         A reverse image search can lead to information that may be otherwise difficult to find.

·         Free downloads can be found through some of Google’s search tools when used together.

·         Paywalls and blocked sites can be accessed with Google search tools.

·         Time-based search results, such as anything posted within the last few minutes, can be found with a little-known “URL hack” (i.e., some figures and letters added to the URL).

·         Advanced tools allow searches that include two words that are not necessarily together, or eliminate a word associated with a search term or phrase.

·         Information on people may be found in Google Images by typing in a simple code at the end of the search words.

·         Cached pages may be accessed directly from the Google search bar.

·         Alternatives to popular sites, products and apps may be found even if not in the search words.

·         “Wildcard” suggestions can come up through Google’s autocomplete with one simple deletion.

·         Searching a site with a lousy search function is possible and nets better results with a simple Google trick.

For Lifehacker’s complete, illustrated article and details on these tricks and features, click here


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