2013 CFMA Award Winners!

CFMA Awards

Michael W. Orr
On May 17, 1999, CFMA’s Executive Committee unanimously approved the creation of the Joe Quigley Memorial Award in memory of former national president and Valley of the Sun Chapter leader, Joe Quigley. As a remembrance of Joe Quigley, who was a founding member of the Valley of the Sun Chapter and served as its third president. Under his leadership, the Chapter developed its highly successful golf tournament to raise money for college scholarships. Joe’s commitment to local chapter activities, and CFMA in general, epitomizes the dedication and commitment of CFMA volunteers.
The Memorial Award recognizes outstanding chapter participation and activity. It is given each year to that CFMA General or Associate Member who exemplifies the following:
  • Enthusiasm in the promotion of CFMA at the chapter level
  • Contribution at the local chapter level (including participation in CFMA functions and committees)
  • Activities that support CFMA’s Mission, Core Purpose, and Core Values
  • Consideration for and service to fellow CFMA members and the local community
  • No officer from CFMA or ICCIFP is eligible for the Award until three (3) years have elapsed from their term of service.
Click here for past winners

Jackie L. Buck
The Debra Hahn Memorial Award was created by CFMA’s Executive Committee on July 14, 1991 as a remembrance of Debra Hahn, who died in a plane crash on March 18, 1991. Debra was one of the founders of CFMA’s Charlotte, NC Chapter, a former member of the Board of Directors, and treasurer of the Massachusetts Chapter at the time of her death.

The Award recognizes outstanding CFMA participation and activity on both the local and national levels. It is given each year to that CFMA General or Associate Member who exemplifies the following:
  • Enthusiasm in the promotion of CFMA
  • Contributions at both the local and national levels
  • Activities in support of CFMA’s Core Purpose and Values, and
  • Consideration for and service to fellow CFMA members.
Click here for past winners

John J. Corcoran

Tony R. Stagliano
The Danny B. Parrish Outstanding Leadership Award, named after its first recipient, was established by CFMA to recognize and publicly honor a CFMA member who:
  • Demonstrates the capacity to inspire and motivate others,
  • Exhibits a strong work ethic in achieving outcomes,
  • Has the ability to unite various sectors in achieving common goals,
  • Is an innovative thinker who has led CFMA to prosper through specific initiatives, and
  • Has demonstrated leadership capabilities over a minimum of 10 years of service, including chapter and national activities
Click here for past winners

Jerry Henderson
The award was created by National Chairman Mel Burges in 2011 for the purpose of recognizing a CFMA member that exhibited extraordinary performance for one or more CFMA initiatives during their term in office. This newly established award would be available every year, but not mandatory and awarded at the discretion of the Chairman.

The first annual recipient of the Chairman’s Award is Gordon Marshall for his tireless work in the development of CFMA’s first eLearning course, Revenue Recognition. Bringing this course to our members and profession was no small task and even though it was a team effort, Gordon was truly the driving force behind it and his work will be the framework for all future eLearning courses.

Click here for past winners


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