Please join me in welcoming some great, new VoS CFMA members!

The VoS CFMA New Member Breakfast was held this morning at Romancing the Bean. It was great to meet these new members and get to know a little about them. We were surprised to find out that one of the new members is a native Phoenician, one is a transplant from Indiana and the other three were all from the Seattle area! Small world! Lisa Vaglio, Kris Newman & Lynne Pace all did their best to convey their enthusiasm for VoS CFMA to the new members, and it must have worked, because there are a couple of committee chairs that will be getting contacted by some of these new members! Please make sure you say ‘HI’ to these new members at our next lunch:
Brett Helgeson ~ Adopt Technologies
Chris Lindstrom ~ Travelers

Jeanne Ioset ~ USI Insurance Services
Matt Waller~Clifton Larson Allen
Rachael Golliet ~ Moss Adams

Welcome to all of you & we are so glad you are here!



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