Happy National Goof Off Day

Yes, I know this was yesterday but I did not post it because I was goofing off!
When : Always March 22nd
Now here's a day that just about everybody can relax and enjoy. It's a day to do anything and everything.....except what you're supposed to do today.
Assuming you won't get in trouble at work or school, go ahead and play some golf, or play video games all day. Spend extra time surfing the net. Go out and spend the day window shopping with your favorite friend. Or, just read sit down and read a book or watch Tv. This day is set aside for you to do anything you enjoy doing.
A few years ago, a survey was performed to identify the most popular activity for goofing off. The top activity was playing video games. Who conducted the survey? Ninetendo.......no surprise. It kinda makes you wonder just who might have had the brainstorm to create this day......hmmmm.


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