CHICAGO - So who really lit up this city?
CFMA or O’Leary’s cow!?!?! (This reporter is thinkin’ CFMA!) Welcome to CFMA on the river . . . the Chicago River; and a fantastic conference!! By David James, CCIFP, CPA FNF Construction, Inc. This conference was extremely well attended with nearly 830 full registrants, 40 from VoS chapter! In fact, VoS had the second highest attendance, only edged out by Chicago (and they really don’t count, since they were the host chapter - - so this reporter declares VoS #1!!) VoS was the only pilot chapter for the Young Professional Leadership Program to have representation by this group at the conference - way to go Nick, Jessica, Michelle and Drew. You guys are a truly dedicated bunch (also cheap – taking advantage of the ½ price registration fee!!) There were 24 very wise, career minded individuals who took the CCIFP exam on Saturday, including one VoS member (who shall remain nameless for fear of putting too much pressure on him/her - - bu...